When forming and owning businesses, choices made early on will create different tax implications for later company acquisitions. In this webinar, attendees will learn how many companies are structured in ways to allow investors to receive tax advantaged or tax-free returns on their investments.
This webinar will discuss the various tax aspects related to entity choice and ownership structure including stories about success and failure as companies grow, and cover tax differences between asset and share acquisition. We will cover how to utilize qualified small business stock (QSBS) for $10 million+ in tax free gains along with effects of foreign ownership and the 50% tax difference for sales. We will also cover why exit planning should be established early in a company's growth.
Learning Objectives:
Crystal Stranger holds a Juris Doctor of Law degree, is an Enrolled Agent (EA), EOS Integrator, and Senior Tax Director and CEO of OpticTax.com. Bringing over 20 years of finance, accounting, and leadership experience she enjoys helping startups stay focused on the big picture objective while maintaining an eye to the details and performing realistic risk assessments.