Filing sales tax returns and paying sales tax are ongoing obligations and can be somewhat predictable. But, when your client or your company is selected for a sales tax audit, it is often viewed as though you hit the lottery in reverse. This may cost us money!? CPAs must be able to assist their companies and their clients with sales tax audits.
Preparing for a sales tax audit
Identifying areas of and quantifying potential tax risks and opportunities.
The audit process.
Taxpayer's rights.
Bingham Greenebaum Doll
Partner and Chair, Tax & Finance Group
(502) 587-3552
Mark's areas of practice concentration are state, local and federal tax controversy resolution, litigation and planning. Mark’s practice includes acting as an advocate for clients in resolving disputes with state and local tax authorities (e.g., Kentucky Department of Revenue, Louisville Metro Revenue Commission, etc.) as well as federal administrative agencies including the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Commodity Credit Corporation. He has counseled and advocated for clients with issues involving state and local income, gross receipts, sales and use, property, franchise/license and various excise taxes (e.g., cigarette, other tobacco products, motor fuel, motor vehicle, U-Drive-It, etc.) as well as federal income and excise taxes. Mark also has experience working in industry where he managed the state and local tax and federal excise tax planning and audit defense functions of a multi-billion dollar manufacturing concern.